Saturday, March 28, 2009

Changes in official positions

Hi girls,

As announced in last night's training, here are the a few changes made in the positions:

  1. Jie Yun has stepped down from her position - Captain

    We will like to thank her for her past contributions to this team. (: &For now, the position - Captain, will now be left vacant til further notices.

  2. Amelia has stepped down from her position - Treasurer, and Xun Hui has taken over this position.

    Again, we will like to thank her for her past contributions to this team. (: Reminder to all, please pay netball to Xiao Juan* for April to June. The amount to pay is under Netball Fees on the right column.
    * Xiao Juan will need to brief Xun Hui before handling over. Claims and etc to be settle/clear on 3rd April through Xiao Juan.

    Girls who have not pay up the netball funds from Jul '08 to Dec '08, please do so BY NEXT TRAINING. These are:
    - Qian Qin ($30.00) (QQ please refer directly to Xiao Juan if this is wrong, as the funds is not in order now)

    Girls who have not pay up the netball funds from Jan '09 to Mar '09, please do so BY NEXT TRAINING. These are:
    - Azlinah Bte Ahmad Said ($15.00)
    - Chang Siying ($15.00)
    - Elaine ($15.00)
    - Jovita ($15.00)
    - Justina ($15.00)
    - Xun Hui ($15.00)
    - Maggie ($15.00)
    - Qian Qin ($15.00)

  3. Removal of positions
    It has been decided that the postions, Attendance taker, Bibs Manager, and Bookie have been removed. All these will now be under Xiao Juan's and Josephine's care.

  4. Due to the upcoming ENL, and considering the limited time we have. It is most likely that there will be 2 trainings per week. The new training date is not confirmed yet.

  5. Missing bibs
    Girls, the red and green bibs are currently MIA-ing. Whoever is holding onto them, please update us either directly to Xiao Juan or on the tagboard. If you're holding on to them, please bring it the next training and give it to Xiao Juan. Thanks.

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