Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Farewell dear friend

Dear all,

Shalene has officially tendered her resignation from Clique. While she misses Friday trainings with us, her new commitments does not give her much time to commit to trainings with us anymore. Shalene is very grateful to have joined our family and gotten to know each and everyone of us. Much thanks go to the triplets for bringing her into our family.

To shalene, Clique is more than a team, we're a "big, warm, happy family". She gives thanks to all the people who have supported her and cheered on for her and is immensely sorry to be leaving. This was not an easy decision for her but she brings with her fond memories of Clique and she hopes that everyone will not forget that she is the girl with the "most unique jump ever" and her secret wish to be Center, "albeit with a disgustingly lousy stamina". (:

Shalene wishes everyone all the best. Clique also wishes to thank Shalene for her commitment to the team in coming for trainings and matches. While it is regretful, Clique still wishes Shalene the best and hopes that she will continue to hone her skills and her love for netball!

With love,

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